
This module represents our resource abstractions that we’ll be able to manipulate through Hephaestus. It can be any abstraction that you wish to work with as a product line, and have access to our SPL semantics and functionalities described in our code base.

A new asset is a data type, usually a record, that describes its properties and characteristics, in which we manipulate through our transformations. A transformation is a set of functions used to alter our final builded Product, and their usage is described in our Configuration Knowledge (CK) DSL file.

In our implementation, an asset is a typeclass that describes how the functions must be implemented to fully work with Hephaestus. Our typeclass is defined as follows:

      class Asset a where
        initialize :: Product a
        parserT    :: Parsec String () (Transformation a)
        export     :: Source -> Target -> Product a -> IO ()

Our other main SPL types are defined in here

Any asset instance must implement those three behaviours.

  • initialize - used to define a base Asset instantiation, such as initializing all it’s properties with empty values
  • parserT - refers to the parser that will recognize the transformations described in our Configuration Knowledge
  • export - logic to export a final builded product

Creating a new Asset

We have to follow some architectural designs to create a new asset. Our structure to implement one takes this form:


   HelloWorld/                    <- example



The Data.Assets module is the main module that exports all assets.

A directory holds each individual asset module, which also follows a recommended structre. However, you are free to structure your code the way you prefer, as long as the module exportation stays the same way.

We have a simple example asset, HelloWorld, which shows clearly what has to be defined, and we’ll use it as reference to explain what each file is supposed to do.

The purpose of each module inside an asset is:

  • Data.Types

    define our new data type that represents our asset, usually in a record format. In this same module, we specify the functions that will represent the transformations we can do with such asset.

  • Data.ParserT

    implement the transformation parser. In Hephaestus we use the Parsec library to write our parsers.

    The parser must read and interpret the transformation part of a CK file. In the HelloWorld example, we have a setMessage transformation, and in a .ck file, it would take the form of

    ... => [setMessage("HelloWorld!"), setMessage("Overrding"), ...)]

    Our ParserT module is responsible for parsing only the function part, the setMessage(“HelloWorld!”), and accordingly, return a transformation that corresponds to the function defined on Data.Types

  • Data.Asset

    In this module, we instantiate our asset defined on Data.Types to the Asset typeclass, and implement the three necessary functions for it.

    The initialize is trivial, only initializing an empty product.

    The parserT is direct, referencing the parser defined in Data.ParserT.

    The export function is the logic to export a builded product and do what you desire with it.

  • Main.hs

    The main module where we export the implementation of our asset, and make it available to be imported by Data.Assets

It’s important to pay attention to module names, and make them correspond to their folder structure in the repository.

Happy coding, and let’s enrich Hephaestus environment with new assets. Cheers !